Rep. Clarke Sees the Light on AT&T Deal

Earlier this month, five activists and I met with Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.) in Brooklyn to discuss the mounting opposition to AT&T's takeover of T-Mobile.

Our timing was good. Just the day before — in a huge win for millions of Americans who know that this merger is a rotten egg — the Justice Department filed suit to stop the deal.

It called the merger “anti-competitive,” adding that it would result in “higher prices, poorer quality services, fewer choices and fewer innovative products for the millions of American consumers who rely on mobile wireless services in their everyday lives.”

The news gave us energy going into the meeting and Rep. Clarke sat with us for more than an hour, listening to our concerns. By the end of the meeting she agreed: This deal must be stopped.

She even posed with us for a picture:


Join me in applauding Rep. Clarke — who had previously signed a letter that expressed support for the merger — for taking a harder look at all of the evidence and opposing this deal.

At a time when many members of Congress will do whatever big corporations tell them to, it's refreshing that some are still willing to stand up for what's right.

Meanwhile, the door isn't shut on AT&T just yet. We're counting on more officials like Rep. Clarke to come out against this deal to kill it for good.