The Drumbeat for Real Net Neutrality Hits the FCC
I recently experienced the power of wall-shaking, choreographed Taiko drumming that went straight to the heart.
That drumming is inspiring me as I help bring the push for real Net Neutrality straight to the Federal Communications Commission’s doorstep on May 15th.
Thousands of activists, organizations and companies will participate in a day of action online and off to protest the FCC’s plan to allow rampant discrimination online.
Our message for Chairman Tom Wheeler? We want real Net Neutrality and will settle for nothing less.
Together we’ll drum and shout that the agency must throw out its destructive plan and pass rules that treat broadband as a telecommunications service. This is the only way to restore real Net Neutrality.
So if you live in the D.C. area, we’d love to see you at the rally. Here are the details:
What: Rally to Save the Internet
When: Thurs., May 15, 9–10:30 a.m.
Where: Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th St. SW, Washington, D.C.
Bring: Pots, pans or whatever else you can bang on to ensure the FCC hears our message loud and clear
RSVP: Sign up here.
Can’t make it to D.C.? No worries! We have lots of online actions you can take on May 15th. Learn more here.
The stakes are high: The FCC’s plan would mean the end of the open Internet. It would allow companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon to create a two-tiered Internet, with a fast lane for those who can afford it — and a dirt road for the rest of us.
Let’s build this drumbeat for the open Internet together.
Original photo by Flickr user Vladimir Morozov