Want to Do More to Save the Net? Read This!
FCC votes on Net Neutrality and the proposed Comcast merger are looming — which makes this a crucial time to take action and mobilize everyone you know to join the fight.
I know that sounds like serious business — but there are actions you can organize that are both fun and impactful.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Set up a meeting with your senator. Congress is on recess through Sept. 7, which means our elected officials are home in our communities — and ready to hear from us. Together with allies including the ACLU, Common Cause, Demand Progress and the Media Action Grassroots Network, we’re trying to reach every Senate office this summer. But we can’t do that without the help of people like you. We hope you can host your own meeting to make sure your senators know how you feel about Net Neutrality and the Comcast merger.
These gatherings are easy to set up and really rewarding: A group of Free Press members in Virginia felt so inspired after their recent discussion with Sen. Tim Kaine’s office that they decided to schedule meetings with all of their other congressional representatives. Check out our step-by-step guide for all the info you’ll need to host your own meeting.
- Host a screening of The Internet Must Go. This mockumentary features plenty of familiar Net Neutrality advocates like Sen. Al Franken, reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian and Free Press President and CEO Craig Aaron. The film’s a riot and will give you insight into the many ways in which our world will change if Net Neutrality is destroyed. So invite some friends over, make some popcorn, and click here to screen the film. Then encourage your friends to tell the FCC why Net Neutrality is important to them. The final comment deadline is Sept. 15.
- Watch Comcast: Pay Your Fair Share. Produced by our friends at the Media Mobilizing Project, this brief video is a great way to introduce people to the fight against Comcast’s bid to take over Time Warner Cable and control the Internet. The video highlights what’s happening in Comcast’s home city of Philadelphia — which echoes the experiences of many other communities Comcast serves. Click here to watch and nudge attendees to tell the FCC to block the merger.
- Throw a Net Neutrality Maker Party. Our friends at Mozilla are hosting parties around the world to celebrate webmaking and all the things we love about the Internet. You can also throw your own party using resources Mozilla has provided. This is a great way to educate folks you know about the Internet and encourage them to speak out about Net Neutrality. Just click here to host your own event.
- Invite the FCC to your community. It’s been more than five years since all five FCC commissioners left Washington, D.C., in an official capacity to hear how the agency’s policies affect real people. It’s essential for the FCC to break out of the Washington bubble and schedule hearings around the country so we can connect with the commissioners face to face. Send your invitation to the FCC today.
- Join periodic Net Neutrality Calls. On these calls, you’ll get information about strategy, the political landscape and actions you can take to protect the Internet. Organizations like Free Press and Fight for the Future are on the front lines of this work and you’ll hear firsthand from our experts. The next call is on Aug. 20 at 4 p.m. EDT/1 p.m. PST. Click to sign up.
- Consider Donating to the Free Press Action Fund. We don’t take money from business, government or political parties and rely on the generosity of dedicated people like you to save Net Neutrality and block the Comcast merger. Your donation will help us ramp up our organizing work nationwide. Your support really makes a difference — and helps us stay independent. Thank you!