Yo, AT&T: Stop Bullying Us
AT&T customers are mad as hell — and by the looks of it, they’re not going to take it anymore.
Back in August, the company announced that it would block iPhone users from accessing the FaceTime video calling app unless they subscribed to more expensive voice-and-text plans. Bedlam ensued.
Thanks to public pressure — and Free Press’ threat to file a complaint at the Federal Communications Commission — AT&T recently said it will no longer block FaceTime to customers on its tiered data plans.
That’s progress. But guess what, AT&T … that still leaves all of your unlimited customers out in the cold.
We decided to give those customers — and anyone else who’s irked about AT&T’s FaceTime blocking — an opportunity to vent. In the last week, more than 13,500 people have told the world exactly what they think of the telecom’s blatant Net Neutrality violation.
Here’s a sampling:
You continually try to bully your customers, which is just one of the reasons you’re consistently ranked at the bottom of customer satisfaction surveys. Here’s what you should know — we won’t be bullied and we won’t give up!
—J. from Chicago, Ill.
AT&T has no understanding of what it takes to keep a customer happy and retain them.
—R. from Richmond Hill, N.Y.
Stop violating Net Neutrality! I paid too much for my phone and service to receive fewer and fewer features.
—Nate from Brooklyn, N.Y.
I have been a loyal customer for years! I am tired of paying for unlimited data that is unlawfully restricted!
—Joshua from Clarksville, Tenn.
I was almost your customer. Last year I finally decided to purchase an iPhone. I researched various carriers and compared rate plans. I was strongly considering AT&T until I learned about the FaceTime block. I never looked back.
—L. from Durham, N.C.
Data is data! I know you will throttle me once I hit 2 GB, but why do you care if I use it with FaceTime or anything else. I am an AT&T customer and will switch users if you don't rectify this outrageous policy.
—Chapa from Chicago, Ill.
Please stop trying to manipulate the Internet for additional profit. This is pure greed.
—Mark from Madison, Wis.
If you continue down this path I will have to switch to T-Mobile.
—Richard from Temecula, Calif.
Have something you’d like to say to AT&T? Go for it! Click here to tell AT&T what you think about its FaceTime blocking.