We Stopped SOPA ---- Let's Stop the TPP
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a hush-hush trade pact that threatens millions of Internet users’ rights to connect and communicate.
Until recently the agreement had been shrouded in secrecy. But now that WikiLeaks has released some of the text, we know that the TPP would let corporations monitor our online activities, cut off our Internet access, delete content and impose fines.
The TPP is that bad. And it’s on a fast track to getting U.S. approval — without any public review or input.
This is why the Free Press Action Fund has joined forces with our friends at RootsAction to stop the TPP.
Former U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk has admitted that if the public knew about the TPP, there’s no way it would pass.
The pact caters to corporate interests that have little regard for our digital rights. Consider the section on intellectual property, which allows the kinds of online speech restrictions that so many of us protested when they appeared in the Stop Online Piracy Act.
The nations involved in the TPP represent more than 40 percent of the world’s gross domestic product. In many cases, the pact overrides or modifies the laws of TPP member states.
The chief negotiators are congregating in Utah on Nov. 19–24 to hammer out key details — and President Obama has signaled his intention to move the treaty forward. Now’s the time to put the pressure on.
Tell Congress and the White House to reject the TPP.
We must expose powerful corporations and their allies in Washington before they undermine our online rights.