Take Part in the Day We Fight Back!
Whether you’re surfing the Web today for news or the latest Bieberdashian dirt, chances are you’re going to encounter sites displaying the banner for the Day We Fight Back — a global protest against mass surveillance.
More than 5,000 websites are participating in this historic day of action, which is designed to push Congress to stop the spying and support the USA Freedom Act, which would curb some of the NSA’s worst abuses. Already more than 35,000 people have called Congress, and more than 80,000 have emailed their elected representatives.
And we know that online activism can pack a wallop of an impact: Just two years ago, a mass online uprising led to the all-too-welcome demise of the SOPA/PIPA Web-censorship bills.
So let’s do it again. Take part in the Day We Fight Back and send Congress the message that we shouldn’t have to choose between national security and personal liberty.