11 Key Moments in 365 Days of Net Neutrality

11. Verizon Court Decision & 1 Million in Two Weeks


It all began in January 2014, when a D.C. court struck down the FCC's Open Internet Order in Verizon vs. FCC, effectively killing Net Neutrality. The outrage was widespread and set the tone for the entire debate moving forward. Instead of accepting the ruling as a defeat, advocates began pushing for a real, permanent solution: reclassifying broadband access providers as common carriers under Title II of the Communications Act.

Within two weeks more than a million people called on the FCC to do just that, and a broad coalition delivered the signatures on the day of the agency's first open meeting of the year. It was the first of many FCC meetings in 2014 that Net Neutrality supporters overtook — both inside and outside the building. Watch the video of that first petition delivery here.