Horrible, Evil, Terrible Comcast
Washington is considering letting Comcast take over its chief rival, Time Warner Cable. If this deal goes through, Comcast will wield even more control over our online experience and how we connect and communicate.
Let’s review Comcast’s track record. The company is:
- Bad at getting low-income communities online.
- Bad at serving customers.
- Good at getting a customer fired for daring to make a complaint.
- Good at scoring at the bottom of the barrel in customer-satisfaction surveys.
- Good at raising rates.
- Good at violating Net Neutrality.
- Good at shelling out tens of millions to pay (ahem, I mean push) Washington to give it what it wants.
- Bad at paying taxes in its hometown of Philadelphia, leaving the city and area schools cash-strapped.
- Bad at treating its workers with respect.
- Good at offering employees low wages, high health-care costs and no opportunities to unionize.
These are the facts. And we’re supposed to believe that Comcast should be allowed to grow even bigger and exert even more control over our lives? Whaaaat? A merged Comcast-Time Warner Cable would hurt people in ways we can only begin to imagine.
But there’s still time to stop the takeover.
We’re collecting stories from people nationwide and will deliver these to Washington. There are so many Comcast horror stories ... and we want to get them to decision-makers before it's too late.
If you need inspiration, check out a few of the stories we've heard already and add your own today.
Comcast is absolutely the worst company I can think of. I have had their service for years because they are the only cable company available to me. Their prices are insane. We do not need one less cable company to make one huge one even bigger. We need more competition, not less. — Charles Neely, Grain Valley, Mo.
My one-year mark was coming up and in an attempt to make me pay more Comcast lowered the channel on my Wi-Fi so that my Internet was slower and in most cases would not work. When I called it took me till the fourth person for someone to be honest and tell me what happened and fix it. — Louis, Savannah, Ga.
Comcast doesn’t pay its taxes in Philly, and charges exorbitant prices for low-quality service. A merger would make them far worse for low-income residents and other communities nationwide. No merger! — Hannah, Philadelphia
Comcast is horrible to its customers and has messed up my credit with a false collection. I used to have Time Warner, and their service is almost as bad. Please don't allow this merger to happen. — Dale, Noblesville, Ind.